Photog Life July Featured Photographer 2019 ~ Melanie Clark

2019 Features, Monthly Featured Photographers -

Photog Life July Featured Photographer 2019 ~ Melanie Clark

It is time to meet our Photog Life July Featured Photographer, Melanie Clark! We were so excited to learn more about this talented photographer in the Photog Life Community.

Tell us a little about you and your personal life. Married, kids, fur babies? We want to know it all!

I am a married mom of three adult and almost adult children who continue to keep life just as interesting as it was when they were single digits! We have two spoiled and snuggly kitties, who we adore.

What made you decide to get into photography and when did you first start?

I've always had an interest in photography, but was encouraged by family and friends to pursue it about six years ago. Since then, my journey has been filled with lots of obsessive learning, studying, and making (and learning from) mistakes.

What type of photography do you shoot? What are you most passionate about?

I shoot people. Families and children are my very favorite, because I love capturing the love and interaction. Four year olds tend to be a particular favorite for me, because they have no filter, and will tell it exactly like it is. I also shoot babies, seniors, engagements, headshots, and on occasion, some newborns.

Not that this really matters, but what do you shoot with?

I am a Canon girl!

What makes your passion shine? What are you most passionate about when you are holding your camera?

I love love love genuine emotions. I love capturing the bad as much as the good. The tears are just as real as the smiles.

During your journey as a photographer, what has been the hardest part?

Marketing and the business side of things has always been the hardest part for me. The photography side of things is all about learning and practicing and making happy accidents along the way.

If you were to go back in time, is there anything you would change?

I don't believe I would change anything. Everything I have done, right and wrong, has brought me to where I am in my journey. Although, I do wish I had started earlier, so I could have had more photos of my children when they were small.

If you could photograph anyone, alive or not, who would it be and why?

My grandmother and great grandmother, and their husbands that I have never met.

What advice do you have for a photographer that is just starting out?

Take the good with the bad. Learn and grow from your mistakes, trials and tribulations. Do what you are most passionate about, set goals and work hard to reach them, no matter how big or small they might be.



Thank you Melanie for taking your time to share your photography journey. Want to follow her? Check her out here:




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